Due to the continued drought Sudbury Water District has extended the ban on outdoor watering until the end of October, NO LAWN WATERING UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE – private wells exempt, although the District encourages conservation on the part of private well users

EFFECTIVE, October 1, 2016

Due to the ongoing long term drought in this area, the Board of Water Commissioners of the Sudbury Water District has extended the existing outdoor water use restrictions in order to continue to protect our water supply. These restrictions will remain in effect until October 30, 2016, or until rescinded. The District also encourages water conservation inside the home whenever possible.

Our aquifer groundwater elevations are lower than we have seen in many years, and those lowered elevations reduce our pumping capacities noticeably. We therefore have decreased ability to supply high quality potable water and adequate firefighting flows, and continued use without significant rainfall to recharge the aquifer will further reduce our pumping capacity as aquifer elevations get even lower.  Furthermore, following five continuous months of exceptionally dry weather, the Commonwealth Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs has declared a Drought Warning for Central and Northeastern Massachusetts.  Consequently, our reduced ability to deliver water to our customers, combined with the Commonwealth’s declaration, have led to the District’s decision to continue through October these more drastic restrictions.  All customers are encouraged to wait until the current drought has passed before attempting to establish any new landscaping.