Routine Daytime Flushing (approx. 9 a.m.-3 p.m.) is underway. 

Effective May 20th until further notice the water main flushing route will include: Ronald Road, Barbara Road, Aaron Road, Firecut Lane, Middle Road, Stearns Lane, Moore Road, Raynor Road, Surrey Lane, Pondview Road and Partridge Lane. As flushing advances updates and route changes will be posted directly to our flushing page – major route changes will be electronically mailed to our subscribers

Homes and businesses in close proximity to this area may also notice a temporary drop in pressure or experience discolored water which is normal during water main flushing and should subside overnight. When flushing mains; even if we are not directly flushing your street, connecting streets COULD experience some, all, or none of the same affects as that of the actual street being flushed. Water Conditions at homes and businesses within close proximity to the above listed area will likely be influenced; avoid drawing in sediment into your own system by limiting intake during flushing hours. Specific areas affected by the flushing program is determined on a weekly basis however as the flushing progresses route adjustments may occasionally be necessary.

Routine Overnight Flushing (approximately 8 p.m. – 12 a.m.) Suspended until further notice.