Second-Quarter water bills dated November 30th (for the period of August-November) have been mailed &/or e-billed (to those registered for electronic billing.) Avoid penalty fees by submitting your payment in full on or before December 30th. Remember paperless billing and an electronic payment option are also available. If you haven’t already done so we encourage you to GO GREEN by registering to receive your next quarterly invoice electronically.

[button url=”″ size=”large” color=”green” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=”Register for E-Bill or Pay Online”] Register for E-Bill or Pay Online [/button]


Winter has arrived. We’d like to remind homeowners and businesses alike of the importance of having a readily available supply of water in the event of a fire emergency.

The Town of Sudbury’s Adopt-A-Hydrant Program is a great way for our community to work together to safeguard against snow-buried hydrants. Click here to visit the Town’s Adopt a Hydrant Page:

[button url=”” class=”button” size=”large” color=”green” target=”_self” lightbox_content=”” lightbox_description=””] Town of Sudbury’s Adopt-A-Hydrant Page [/button]