In an ongoing effort to ensure water quality and system reliability water pipe construction on Maynard Road (between the intersections of Fairbank Road through to Wyman Drive) is scheduled to begin on Wednesday, June 6th.
- Construction Hours: 9 AM-4PM, Monday-Friday thru project end, on or about June 20th
- Construction will begin on Maynard Road (at the intersection of Fairbank Road) and continue thru to the intersection of Wyman Drive
Access to driveways and entranceways will be maintained. In the event it becomes necessary to block a driveway/entranceway for a short period of time (usually less than 4 hours) our contractor will attempt to contact the affected resident to coordinate and minimize inconveniences. Every effort will be made to reduce traffic delays however commuters should expect some degree congestion while traveling through the project area.
Questions or concerns regarding this matter may be address by contacting our business office at (978) 443-6602. Advisories and periodic updates will posted here or emailed to our subscriber list.
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